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John Lewis & Partners


Check out John Lewis & Partners success story with IntelliQ.


"When you're part of it, you put your heart into it"

Return On Investment

During 2011, IntelliQ engaged with the loss prevention team at John Lewis & Partners to embark on Data Challenge investigation. The aim was to help prevent losses to John Lewis to help it deliver fair prices to it’s customers. IntelliQ analysed several months’ worth of EPOS retail transaction data for instances of internal and external fraud, as well as looking at procedural anomalies occurring at the point of sale. IntelliQ created a fully functional IntelliQ system for fraud analysis. At this point, IntelliQ utilized their extensive retail fraud knowledge and domain expertise to drive out instances of internal and external fraud and weak business processes.


The John Lewis Data Challenge was a success, as IntelliQ identified potential improvements, including in areas such as organised fraud, card fraud, and refund fraud. John Lewis & Partners has since been a loyal customer of IntelliQ for over 16 years.


Business Owner in Workshop

Data Challenge

The results of the Data Challenge procedure demonstrated the value of the solution and paved way for John Lewis to work with IntelliQ.  

Our reports provide clear analysis and, if suspicious behavior is detected, the investigation team take action.


Datamining is central to the security team’s strategy to reduce shrinkage. This allows the team to maximise the impact of their resources in their fight against  fraud.

Area of Fraud

Since they started using IntelliQ in 2006, the John Lewis & Partners Loss Prevention investigation team utilise a wide suite of reports. These cover every angle of employee malpractice and procedural issues/margin erosion. The key areas that are analysed by IntelliQ, for example, suspicious refund & gift card abuse



John Lewis & Partners is the department store arm of the John Lewis Partnership, which is the UK’s largest employee-owned business, founded by John Lewis in 1864. The company runs John Lewis department stores and Waitrose supermarkets. It is owned by a trust on behalf of its partners, and sells a wide range of products, including clothing, homeware, cosmetics, technology, food and drink and financial services. 


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